

Sunday 28 July 2013

Warrior Soul - Destroy The War Machine (2009)




Band :         Warrior Soul
Country :       USA
Release :     Destroy The War Machine
Year :           2009
Genre :       Hard Rock
File Info :     mp3 320


This CD is very very good. Old school sounding Warrior Soul with crystal clear production. Kory Clarke's raspy vocals make it sound even edgier and definitely more punk.
The tracks Pigs, Fourth Reich, Burning Bridges, Motor City, Bad News and Shes Glaswegian all sound as if they could have come straight after the 'Salutations' CD or Space Age Playboys. I love these song and could put my Warrior Soul files on my media player to 'Shuffle' and you would never know they didn't fit in the bands catalog. That is how good it really is. They sound great and revamped. The energy is there. So if you like the 'Soul, pick it up. No brainer. The quality and sound are excellent and it rocks hard.