

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Girlschool - The Singles (2007)


Artist : Girlshool
Country : UK
Release : The Singles
Year : 2007
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320


Although the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement was certainly male-dominated, that's not to say females didn't have their say too, as evidenced by the emergence of Girlschool at this time. Picture a heavier Runaways and you're not far off from the sound/style/approach Girlschool specialized in. And with their early releases becoming increasingly difficult to locate nowadays, a compilation such as the 2007 double-disc set The Singles comes in quite handy. The collection weighs in at a hefty 37 tracks total, and you'll quickly discover that Girlschool rocked just as ferociously as their male counterparts, and that the majority of their tunes had more in common with punk (in other words, few extended solos or fairy/dragon-esque lyrics are included).