

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Sodom - Code Red(1999) [Japan Edition]


Artist : Sodom
Country : Germany
Release : Code Red [Japan Edition]
Year : 1999
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320


Code Red was an attempt to reinvent their old material with some of their newer music, and it was also with a different line-up the band. Code Red perhaps sounds a bit rehashed but the variety among the songs is more than great. The album starts hard with berserker thrash tracks like Code Red and What Hell Can Create, and after that we have slower but heavier track called Tombstone. Sodom also succeeds to mould some small Slayer influences in the three upcoming tracks, and by that I mean both in song appearance and vocal work. Liquidation sounds like a death-forged song with a sinister yet groovy and catchy riff.