Artist : Sig:Ar:Tyr
Country : Canada
Release : Godsaga
Year : 2010
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320
A SIG:AR:TYR full length album is always a pretty grand thing. His debut saw the listener embark on a cold, dark journey alongside an army of northern warriors. In 2008, Beyond The North Winds saw the band experiment with the more important use of distorted guitars and added soundscapes. The end result was another magnificent outing that didn’t have the same feeling of togetherness as the debut but was saved by the sheer quality of each song. Now after having his album to experiment go so well, you’d expect the next album, the one where he puts his experiments to proper use, to be breathtaking? And, you would be correct.
On Godsaga, Daemonskald has taken the best elements of both his full lengths and combined it into one powerload of an album. The album brings back the electric power found on Beyond the North Winds but while giving the feeling of a linear journey the same way the debut did. Everything feels like it was placed where it is for a reason, as a driving force, pushing the album forward with every song. The album goes through moments of triumph (Eternal Return) and moments of darkness (Blood Of The North, Sleep Of The Sword) without ever feeling like anything is out of place but rather like it is demonstrating a new aspect of its main theme (Odin’s sacrifice on the world tree of Yggdrasil).