

Saturday, 1 February 2014

David Mark Pearce - Strange Ang3ls (2011)


Artist : David Mark Pearce
Country : UK
Release : Strange Ang3ls
Year : 2011
Genre : Hard Rock
File Type : mp3 320


Traveling the road from hard rock to extreme metal has many twists and turns. If you picture AOR rock to the left and extreme metal to the right (no political insinuation intended), the bulk of my musical attention sags somewhere to the right of center. Having interests that span that entire spectrum, it is a refreshing feeling to explore that extreme left and bask in pure tried and true rock ‘n’ roll every once in a while. With all of the rock reunions happening in recent years, it’s easy to miss a new diamond in the rough. If you are looking for some great AOR/hard rock acts, you would do well to expand from the typical and check out newer acts like Sunstorm (w/Joe Lynn Turner), Neonfly, Optimystical, Elevener and David Mark Pearce.