

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Skid Row (USA) - United World Rebellion: Chapter One (2013) [UK Edition]


Artist : Skid Row
Country : USA
Release : United World Rebellion: Chapter One [UK Edition]
Year : 2013
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320


After the disappointing Revolutions Per Minute, its good to see Skid Row back where they belong. Opener Kings Of Demolition is definitely the high point. I give the band a lot of credit for sticking with Solinger instead of catering to the fans who constantly nag about bringing Bach back. How many times has a band brought and original member back and the album failed to live up to any expectations? Its good that they are doing there own thing. However, I feel this album is not on par with Thickskin- love it or hate it, it was modern, heavy, and utilitized Solingers voice much better than this EP.