Saturday, 31 August 2013


Genre => Hard Rock
Origin => USA
Bitrate => 320


An album held in high esteem by the melodic rock community for years, and cherished in the rock press during those heydays of the 1980's. Aviator came together with Cerniglia and Ricciardella coming from the New York band Wiggy Bits (also featuring Balance's Peppy Castro), before moving on to form Network. Wiggy Bits sounded very seventies and very dated by todays standards while Network were more commercially accessible. On Aviator however they move right into the centre lane of melodic rock with the much acclaimed Neil Kernon doing the deed.
Pretty much resembling Icon (circa 'Night Of The Crime') though far more melodic and far more commercial is how best to describe their one and only album. You'd be hard pressed to find any better moments in melodic rock than 'Frontline' (yes the track that started it all and spawned the band and spawned the swedish magazine .. hi Par, hi Ola !) and 'Comeback'. Most of the other songs are high class rockers that move with an authority that only musicians like these can play.

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