Band : Junkyard
Country : USA
Release : Joker
Year : 1998
Genre : Hard Rock
File Info : mp3 320
Following the release of "Sixes, Sevens & Nines," Junkyard began working on songs for their 3rd cd. They ended up w/ 25+ songs & they were all in the same vein as their first 2 discs. Meaning they were great! However, Nirvana had hit, grunge was all the rage & hard-rock bands as good as Junkyard were unceremoniously tossed in the trash. Geffen offered to put out a 3rd disc but w/ no tour or promo support or the band coulda been let outta their deal to sign w/ someone else but they chose to break up & these songs never saw the light of day until well after the internet had really taken hold in mass.

Band : Junkyard
Country : USA
Release : Joker
Year : 1998
Genre : Hard Rock
File Info : mp3 320
Following the release of "Sixes, Sevens & Nines," Junkyard began working on songs for their 3rd cd. They ended up w/ 25+ songs & they were all in the same vein as their first 2 discs. Meaning they were great! However, Nirvana had hit, grunge was all the rage & hard-rock bands as good as Junkyard were unceremoniously tossed in the trash. Geffen offered to put out a 3rd disc but w/ no tour or promo support or the band coulda been let outta their deal to sign w/ someone else but they chose to break up & these songs never saw the light of day until well after the internet had really taken hold in mass.