While fans may have spent the past few months sitting around waiting for the next incarnation of Velvet Revolver, Duff McKagan has not. The legendary Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver bassist put together his latest lineup of Loaded and went on a brief UK/Euro tour. Life's easier when your band doesn't suffer from lead-singer-itis. And the songs are good too. McKagan and his Seattle-based band put this 5-song EP together to have something to sell on the tour and hold fans off until a full length disc comes out next year. Only 7,000 copies were produced. They play hard rock with a post-punk alt rock sensibility, McKagan switching out his bass for a 6-string and songwriting and lead vocal duties. The fun shows. The CD kicks off with Sleaze Factory, a straight-ahead rocker with good hooks. No More and Executioner's Song are good too, but I especially like IOU. Like Sleaze Factory, IOU's chorus sticks in your head for days after, leading you to replay the entire EP again and again. The last song, Wasted Heart, is a love letter of sorts to his wife. Duff's one to know: It's much better to sing thanks for someone having saved your wasted heart than another observing "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory". Consider yourself lucky, too.