1. Come And Dance
2. Georgia
3. Die In Love
4. Bitter Streets
5. Chance Intrigue
6. My Sweet Medicine
7. Baby Come Around
8. Sandy
9. God Save Me From The Blues
10. Why Wait For Love
11. I Am Here For You
12. Its Over
13. Something Special
14. Romeo
Soft melodic rock doesn’t often get ticked in my music genre preferences. But all that could soon change after listening to UK 70’s band, Mr Big’s newest album release ‘Bitter Streets.’
Formed in the late 60’s by lead vocalist, Dicken, and harpist Ed Carter; the band were at the peak of their career in the early 70’s, with now classic single ‘Romeo’ reaching number 4 and bagging them an appearance on Top Of The Pops, but disbanded in 1978.
I enjoy many different styles of music, and Mr Big fall between the hybrid of soft rock and credible pop; a mash up of The Kooks and Journey, which in my eyes can only be a good thing.
Even though they have been off the music scene for quite some time; despite the release of ‘Rainbow Bridge’ album in 1996, the melodic five piece take 2011 in their stride and show that time out of the limelight has certainly been well spent.
Stand out tracks include ‘Die In Love’; perfect for driving down a country lane on a Summers evening, and ‘Why Wait For Love’, which reminds me of many tracks featured on The OC to highlight another of Ryan and Marissa’s fallouts.
Single ‘Georgia’ is not a favourite of mine, and I feel the bad took an easy option when releasing this; as if to please the mainstream rather than taking a risk with something more stand out, such as ‘God Save Me From The Blues’, which has a slight Jamiroquai feel and some killer synth solos.
All in all a chilled out, yet meaningful album; I feel the lyrics focus on a break up, whether it be friends or lovers, but not in a way which makes you feel damn depressed; definitely an album to keep in the car this summer. Here’s hoping the streets are anything but bitter for Mr Big.