1. The Forsaken 02:56
2. Dead Ones Cry No More 06:45
3. Arabian Nights 03:27
4. Victim of Environmental Change 05:42
5. Kingdom of the Dead 03:52
6. No Family No Friends 04:06
7. The Jam Song 08:43
Artist : The Mezmerist
Country : USA
Release : The Innocent,The Forsaken,The Guilty [Reissue]
Year : 1985
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320
The Mezmerist are/were a one man project from California. According to the release ‘The Innocent, The Forsaken, The Guilty is one of the most mysterious US metal releases of all time’ having taken the Shadow Kingdom a very long time to track down the man behind it (Thomas Mezmercardo), and a further five years preparing the re-release I guess they have a point.
This is a double EP released as a single package in 1985 and being re-released 30 years after the first EP was recorded.
1st EP circa 1983
The Forsaken
Dead Ones Cry No More
Arabian Nights
Victim of Environmental Change
Tommy Mezmercardo – Vocals / Guitars
Roger Abercrombie – Bass
Bill Ward – Drums
2nd EP circa 1985
Kingdom of the Dead
No Family, No Friends
The Jam Song
Tommy Mezmercardo – Vocals / Guitars
Steve Conrad – Bass
JR – Drums