Sunday, 6 October 2013

Monkeyhouse is a Finnish band that was equally comfortable playing straight blues or melodic hard rock and excelled at various mixtures of those styles. This indie release from 1993 is the only document of their existence; very little information is available about this band other than the CD liner notes. They certainly were committed to the quality of their music and had a great deal of support in making this album. The track, "Closing The Opening", is a slower number that is amazingly sweet and should be of great interest to AOR/Melodic Rock fans. If you are a blues rock fan, you already know you need to hear it.

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  • Monkeyhouse - Monkeyhouse (1993) Monkeyhouse is a Finnish band that was equally comfortable playing straight blues or melodic hard rock and excelled at various mixtures of those styles. This indie release from 1993 is the only document of their ex… Read More


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