Doubting Thomas (Feat. John Corabi)
Monkey Dance (Feat. Jack Russell)
Soldier (Kelly Keagy & Mark Slaughter)
My Sacrifice (Feat. Shawn Pelata)
Phoenix (Feat. Pete Loran)
Independence Day (Feat. Kelly Keeling)
Meet My Monster (Feat. Tony Mills)
Praying For A Miracle (Feat. Ted Poley)
Fade (Feat. Jamie Rowe)
Bullet,Train,Breakdown (Feat. Jamie St. James)
Addiction (Feat. Jani Lane)
Wake The Dead (Ez Gomer & Tony Carey)
Snake Eat Snake (Feat. David Raymond Reeves)
A Little Bit Of Love (Mark Hovland & Shannon Hovland)
Artist : Liberty N' Justice
Country : USA
Release : Independence Day
Year : 2007
Genre : Hard Rock
File Type : mp3 320
Independence Day is a who's who of vocal A-listers. Highlights for me are "Doubting Thomas" (featuring John Corabi), "Monkey Dance" (featuring Jack Russell of Great White, who has never sounded better), "Phoenix" (featuring Pete Loren of Trixter), "Praying For A Miracle" (featuring Ted Poley of Danger Danger) and "Fade" (featuring Jaime Rowe of Guardian) to name a few (and there is still a number of honorable mentions). "Wake The Dead" however, is not so good, but hey opinions are like taste buds, everyone has them. The band is nothing to sneeze at either featuring seasoned veterans like Jerry Dixon, Kevin Chalfant, Tommy Denander, Jack Frost and on and on... If Liberty N' Justice can do this acoustically, I can't wait to hear what they can do all amped up.