Artist : Kreator
Country : Germany
Release : Voices Of Transgression: A 90's Retrospective
Year : 1999
Genre : Hard Rock Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320
Germany's Kreator have three basic eras in their impressive discography: 80's hyper-thrash; 90's raw metal savagery & experimentation; and the return-to-thrash era of the 21st century. When vocalist/guitarist Mille Petrozza & his gang put out their first album in '85 he was only 18 years old, which explains the youthful, energetic approach of their first five studio disks. When the 90s hit and grunge was king, hyper-thrash was no longer in vogue. So Mille & crew, now maturer and more seasoned, took to branching out with their primal brand of metal, but not in the order of Metallica's LOAD albums (or even THE BLACK ALBUM), just less thrashy, more raw, more traditional, with a streak of experimentation.