Artist : Solitaire
Country : Finland
Release : Extremely Flammable
Year : 2004
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320
THRAAAAASHSHSH!!!! What the hell?!?!?! Yeah, the fuckin' 'head that doesn't bang', will surely be torn apart from the neck, thrown into the walls and bleed 'till total death!!! I can't believe that in year 2004 a band from Finland delivers that pure fuckin' speed/thrash Armageddon, kind of never nearly heard for 15 years now!!!! Leave me alone, wanna bang my fuckin' head more and more! Whachasay…
What's that lunatic???, the unfaithful should fairly wonder? I'll nail you down, my friends, I'll surely do! So, let's stay calm and you 'all witness the light… Solitaire is a Finnish band formed back in 1995 with a mere purpose: Solitaire keeps the spirit of the 80's alive taking their music back to the original Heavy Metal roots with more aggressive and fierce approach. It's fast… it's loud… and it's rude! - Velocity is the onward taking force, succinctly the band states. Also Exciter, Agent Steel, Razor and half bands of the whole mid-80's Euro-Thrash genre, I should add. The walls first came tumbling down with the band's Rising To The Challenge (2002) debut CD, making me nervous 'bout what this 5-piece clan could establish.