Artist : Dreamtide
Country : Germany
Release : Dream And Deliver
Year : 2008
Genre : Hard Rock
File Type : mp3 320
DREAMTIDE's newest release will probably track down your wants in insight and deliver the wanted mix of Hard Rock, Melodic Rock and 'melodic' Metal you've searched for the last years. What started out as a mere inquiry due to the band's lineup 'star(s)' eventually shines as a great doze of songs equally capable of keeping 'choosy' company for a long long time.
Two previous albums in the Frontiers label and you already have a brief idea for what lurks herein. Created by FAIR WARNING members Helge Engelke (mainly?), C.C. Behrens and Torstein Luederwaldt, DREAMTIDE soon discovered they could fit the plan and release notable albums. Ex-SCORPIONS bassman Francis Buchholz replaced (once in) TALON's Ole Hempelman in 2007 and - sooner or later- it was time for the third (and most crucial, to many) strike called Dream And Deliver.