Sunday, 1 November 2015

Artist : Motorhead
Country : UK
Release : We Are Motorhead
Year : 2000
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320


Motorhead's new release "We are Motorhead" is a return to brutality for the band. Gone are the standard rock or blues riffs, and in there place is that buzzsaw sound we all know and love. This is easily their heaviest album since "Sacrifice". The opening track "See me Burning" is a rapid fire scorcher featuring that classic double bass drum thunder heard in other Motorhead thrashers. Most songs are uptempo, and Phil Campbells leadwork sounds spontaneous, and top-notch. The closing track "We are Motorhead" is an instant classic and one of the best "theme-songs" I've heard from ANY band. The only weak point (and this is minor) is the production. While not awful, the guitars sound like they needed to be mixed higher,as the overall sound is a little bottom heavy. Still, a must have for Motorhead fans, as well as fans of loud rock/metal.

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