Artist : Moloth/Nezhegol
Country : Russia
Release : Wotan Jugend
Year : 2011
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320
Wotanjugend is a split effort between the aforementioned and compatriots Nezhegol', who upon closer inspection appear to share a few members. It's clear from the outset, this isn't Black Metal for the casual or left-leaning, the balaclava clad fellow on the cover certainly isn't off to protest about socialism and the cuts anyway that's for sure. Moloth kick things off with a steel toe cap right into the militaristic opener with its machine-gun drumming and gritty riffing, which while thick and harsh manages to contain an astute sense of melody underneath as well. The vocals have that unmistakable Slavic accent to them and are rather well produced and complement the no prisoners, obliterate all!' attitude which Moloth are aiming to convey throughout. The next three tracks all follow the same formula and structure somewhat with some exceptionally crushing riffing at times. Though lacking a certain sheen and identity from the first, they still remain highly enjoyable; diversity is something you seldom find in NSBM anyway.