Artist : Harem Scarem
Country : Canada
Release : Human Nature
Year : 2006
Genre : Hard Rock
File Type : mp3 320
Harem Scarem have done it yet again! This album is absolutely awesome. It's filled with great songs from start to end and jam packed with brilliant vocal melodies and outstanding harmonies. The riffs are great and the solos are amazing. The production is top-notch. Actually, the production is perfect! I've been a fan for a long time now but I'm still blown away as to how good these guys are and how consistent they are at releasing quality music time after time. This album is filled with highlights including the perfect opening song "Human Nature", the emotionally charged "Caught Up In Your World", the killer chorus of "Reality", the stunning "Hanging On", the Queen-infused chorus of "Give Love/Get Love", and the magical chorus of "Starlight".