Friday, 27 September 2013

One of the lesser known bands in my vast CD collection is I, Napoleon. This band’s self titled debut was released towards the end of the hair metal era. Judging from the perfect coiffures the band members have on the back cover of this CD, they were certainly trying to appeal to the hair metal crowd. The music on this CD is so completely random, I don’t think I could truly classify them as one.

When I picked this up in the 90′s on cassette, I remembered not really getting into this very much, but couldn’t remember the tunes at all. I recently replaced this CD, and found that I liked this a lot more than when it was first released.

Singer Steve Napoleon’s voice sounds like a cross between Richard Black from Shark Island, and Steven Shareaux from Kik Tracee but the music is nothing like either one of those bands.


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  • I,Napoleon - I,Napoleon (1991) One of the lesser known bands in my vast CD collection is I, Napoleon. This band’s self titled debut was released towards the end of the hair metal era. Judging from the perfect coiffures the band members have on the ba… Read More


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