Artist : Legs Diamond
Country : USA
Release : Out On Bail [Remastered]
Year : 1984
Genre : Hard Rock
File Type : mp3 320
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US hardrockers Legs Diamonds Out On Bail was originally released in 1984 but has now got a re-release through AOR Heaven with the addition of 3 bonus tracks. This is a album that is very up and down with couple of fantastic AOR-songs and in the other hand their is poor and weak hardrock songs. The drumproduction is not that fun because the album was recorded with utilised synthesized drums and it feels very dated today to listen to it, it's a shame because their is good songs on it. Fugitive, Walkaway, Find It Out The Hard Way and Nobody/s Fool that are great AOR-songs that reminds of White Sister meets Franke & The Knockouts. These songs has brilliant catchy hookfilled 80s AOR-choruses but the drumsound takes away the strong feeling from these songs.
The bonus tracks is nothing to get excited over because they are average tracks that feels a bit unneccessary and those songs are Radio, Hey Texas and One Last Kiss.