Artist : Destrage
Country : Italy
Release : Are You Kidding Me? No.
Year : 2014
Genre : Heavy Metal
File Type : mp3 320
A wild ride of shred-friendly dynamics and breakdown-heavy precision, Destrage’s Are You Kidding Me? No. (yep, that’s really the title) blends together the devilishly clever musicality and wickedly playful nature of bands such as Mr. Bungle, Sikth, Protest the Hero, and DEP to create an adventurous romp through the fields of prog-wankery. But despite all of the jaw-dropping technical feats encompassed on this album, there is very little (if any) noodling — every moment feels quite calculated and purposeful, solos are kept short and sweet, and there are hooks to boot. These are extraordinary musicians, purveying rich, diverse vocals shimmering alongside stellar (and occasionally impossible-sounding) drumming, as well as fluid, syncopated guitar theatrics impressive enough to attract Guns N’ Roses 6-string wizard Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal to make a guest appearance.